Sam Silverman

sssilver [at]

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I am a fourth-year PhD student in Computer Science at Boston University (BU), where I am a member of the Shape Lab advised by Emily Whiting. My research leverages Machine Learning and Computational Mechanics to design structures and materials with optimized behaviors.

Before starting my PhD, I obtained a Master's in Computer Science from Columbia University, where I worked with Brian A. Smith, and a Bachelor's in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.


Data-Driven Nonlinear Deformation Design of 3D-Printable Shells

Samuel Silverman, Kelsey L. Snapp, Keith A. Brown, Emily Whiting

In Submission


A Physics-Informed Impact Model Refined by Multi-Fidelity Transfer Learning

Kelsey L. Snapp, Samuel Silverman, Richard Pang, Thomas M. Tiano, Timothy J. Lawton, Emily Whiting, Keith A. Brown

Extreme Mechanics Letters (2024)

PDF, Data, BibTeX

Superlative Mechanical Energy Absorbing Efficiency Discovered Through Self-Driving Lab-Human Partnership

Kelsey L. Snapp, Benjamin Verdier, Aldair E. Gongora, Samuel Silverman, Adedire D. Adesiji, Elise F. Morgan, Timothy J. Lawton, Emily Whiting, Keith A. Brown

Nature Communications (2024)

PDF, Supplemental, Data, Code, BibTeX

Navstick: Making Video Games Blind-Accessible via the Ability to Look Around

Vishnu Nair, Jay L. Karp, Samuel Silverman, Mohar Kalra, Hollis Lehv, Faizan Jamil, Brian A. Smith

ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (2021)

Project Page, PDF, BibTeX



Python library for generating STL meshes of generalized cylindrical shells (GCS)
